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SMU Particle PQ Content Tester PQ100-KING
Hits:2364  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2024-01-12 08:08:08

SMU Particle PQ Content Tester PQ100-KING

The Rotary Particle PQ Content Tester (PQ100 for short) uses an off-line particle quantification (commonly referred to as PQ) magnetometer to monitor wear trends in machinery. An oil sample is taken from the machine and a magnetic flux field is collected in the test cassette at a depth exceeding the sensing coil in the instrument, determining the quantitative change in the magnetic field due to the presence of any ferromagnetic material and giving a relative value (PQ index).PQ is a sensitive magnetometer and the PQ index is a quantitative number without units, which shows a good linear relationship with the content of ferrous debris in the sample and the size of the particles; during oil analysis, the PQ index is the basic discrimination parameter that identifies large ferrous particles (larger than 5 to 10 microns) that cannot be measured by other analytical techniques, without the need for complex sample preparation.

Test Method Overview

A sample of lubricating oil is taken from the machine in a volume higher than the detected magnetic field of the instrument's sensor coil. The equipment gives a PQ index by detecting the quantitative change in the magnetic field in the presence of ferromagnetic material, which is related to the concentration and spatial distribution of ferromagnetic material in the induction volume of the coil, and if the oil sample is not disturbed over a period of time, the test concentration is approximately the same over that period of time.However, if the oil sample undergoes an increase in PQ values, for example, from initially good test conditions to a sustained increase in PQ values, the PQ values may exhibit a time dependence due to the abrasive nature of the metal fragments, and information about the size (mass) of the metal fragments can be obtained from the rate of any time-dependent behavior recorded.The PQ100 is not designed to be used as an absolute measurement of the amount of debris, but rather to monitor trends, and it is important that the PQ index be changed by at least 10% relative to previous measurements. It is normal for empty sample bottles and clean oil to typically give a slightly positive PQ index, and as long as they give consistent readings, it will not affect the trend.


Ø  The instrument should be placed in a clean environment away from magnetic interference, and should be warmed up for half an hour after power on before testing, and the measuring turntable should be cleaned in time before and after the test;

Ø  Each time the power is turned on, the measurement dial will be independently calibrated, and if the dial is shifted due to jamming during the test, the dial can be reset by selecting it in the "calibration" interface;

Ø  The first test value after sampling should be tested immediately or evenly after shaking; generally the first test value after the actual ship is the initial value (generally the initial value should be less than 200, and the smaller it is, the more normal the wear), after each test value and the initial value or the previous test value for comparison, general working conditions or wear normal, the test value and the initial value or the previous test value will not change too much, otherwise it should cause enough attention;

Ø  It is generally recommended to test once a week or three to five days, but in case of new fuel, it is recommended to test once a day and compare it with the data before the oil change until the data is stable and then perform routine testing;

Ø  The test box can be reused, but it should be wiped clean after use, and it is recommended to recalibrate the instrument every 100 times the sample is tested.

Product specifications and composition

Instrument parameters



Size and weight

370mm x 220mm x 138mm (4.0kg)

Power requirements


Experimental environment requirements



5~3,Maximum allowable temperature change:±2/h

Relative Humidity



±4PQ or 1%[whichever is greater]


±4PQ or 1%[whichever is greater]

Equipment Composition

The PQ100 consists of a main unit, power adapter and standard sample kit.

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