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Marine Field Ferromagnetic Wear Particle Tester PF100
Hits:1877  Author:AEGIS INDUSTRY (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD  Source:  Time:2024-01-12 08:08:08

Marine Field Ferromagnetic Wear Particle Tester PF100

      The total amount of ferromagnetic particles in marine lubricating oil is one of the most direct indicators to characterize the degree of wear of controlled equipment, and the concentration of ferromagnetic particles in the oil can be measured in the field to quickly identify the degree of abnormal wear of test equipment.

This product provides the user with a quick and easy method of operation that allows the operator to perform tests in environments such as on board, in the field or at remote locations without much training.This product measures ferrous wear debris contained in lubricants from all types of equipment and reads the PPM value directly on the LCD screen in a short time, giving testers a quick answer about detecting equipment wear.The use of this product can effectively reduce operating costs, downtime and the use of end-of-life oil, and operators can continuously monitor ferromagnetic particles in oil samples to quickly detect any deterioration in machine condition and take corrective action to prevent more serious damage from occurring.


Ø  Operation Note:All instructions should be read properly before officially operating the instrument.

Ø  Power on check:Make sure the power supply is connected properly and turn on the switch.

Ø  Environmental inspection:Do not use together in the vicinity of highly combustible gases or liquids.

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